Postings and ponderings of a quilting and knitting addict!

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Something New

As I was working on changing a few things with the blog I discovered a new gadget… “Follow by email”.  Check out the box at the top, right-hand column.  I am guessing that if you enter your email addy and submit then you will automatically receive each new blog post via email rather than having to maneuver through Blogger.   So, to test it I am entering DH’s email and we will see…HEHE!  If this gets me in big trouble, it has been nice knowing you all.  (Just kidding… DH is a real sweetie!)  Yep, that sends a confirmation email to him… I wonder if he will accept?  HE BETTER!!!

And now, I am off to finish throwing clothes into the washer/dryer, quilting gadgets, food (We’ve GOT to EAT, you know!) and machine into the car.  As soon as I finish with church tonight I am off to SIL quilt retreat.  WOOHOO!!

I have 14 more blocks for the Farmer’s Wife quilt cut out so this will be some marathon sewing and fun.  See you all NEXT week with a report of our misbehavior fun and fellowship.

Have a blessed week!


Sunday, February 26, 2012

Life Seems to Be…

Life seems to be moving at the speed of light.  The list of things that need to be done seems to grow, and my schedule seems to fill up quickly.

Thanks to all of those who came out to Rebel State Park to catch my 2 presentations on Saturday.  I did not count, but I am estimating we had around 20 people there.

This afternoon will be spent trying to finish up the sewing on a Kilt.  Yes, you read right.  I did say KILT and NOT quilt.  I’ll give you a further explanation on another day, but this has been a sewing adventure.  I have not done garments sewing in SOOOOO long that I have to keep reminding myself about that 5/8” seam allowance thing, and trying to remember exactly how to form box pleats.  When it was all said and done, my source on the internet suggested KNIFE pleats instead for this sport kilt.  They went well, and today I hope to finish sewing down the pleats (since this heavy wool fabric will NOT hold a pressed seam) and then hemming the sides and bottom edges.  Perhaps I can get the wearer to model it for you?  I’m not holding my breath on that one!

The Farmer’s Wife quilt is progressing.  I have 20 blocks made, and 8 more cut out.  And guess what?  SIL QUILT RETREAT is THIS WEEK!  Wednesday night after church I will head off to the lake and enjoy food, fun, fellowship, and Farmer’s Wife sewing!  We are all 3 making one of these quilts so I am sure there will be lots of blocks cut and sewn Wednesday through Saturday. 

Our farm house now has about 5/8 of its roof covered with new tin, thanks to the help of my BIL, Bill.  He and DH have worked hard on 3 different weekends to accomplish this.  It is a very challenging project due to the “interesting” roof lines formed when the house was added on to, and added on to, and added on to….   It will probably take a couple more weekends to finish the task.  THANKS FOR YOUR HELP, BILL!

Friday several quilting friends ventured over to West Monroe, LA for a quilt show.  I must say, those gals REALLY know how to host a DANDY quilt show!!  The quality of the quilts displayed was superb.  The venders were fabulous.  The food was great.  The quilters working at the show were so pleasant and helpful.   We all were really impressed.  To all my friends in that neck of the woods…FANTASTIC JOB, GALS!!

Parting shots:  In my efforts to avoid too many blog posts with no pictures I will offer you these.


My “Day & Night” quilt, pattern by Eleanor Burns.  Actually it is no longer mine… Katie Bug decided she would like to have this for her room, so as soon as I get the quilt back from Rebel Park it will be given to her.


The best part was I did not purchase anything for this quilt.  I had both of these fabrics in my stash. 

Now, I am off to sew on a kilt, not a quilt.  Happy Sunday afternoon to you all!


Wednesday, February 15, 2012

My #1 Supporter

Today, David and I have been married 21 years.  That sounds like a big number, but time has passed swiftly.  Who would have thought when we went on that blind date that it would lead to this?What a blessing he is to me!  100_0680

He completes me.  He has strength in areas that I am weak.  He has never held me back from any dream that I have, but has always urged me to “go for it”!   

I prayed for a man with a sense of humor, and I got one!  His dry wit and double-meaning jokes are a source of joy (most of the time).

He has always been a good provider, with great money-sense.  I so admire his money wisdom and wisdom in general.  He is very good at “weighing the options” and coming to a good decision.

He is the #1 supporter for my quilting addiction business and craft.  He chauffeurs me to quilt show, works at the show, praises my entries, and even doesn’t complain about the purchases I make!  I know quilters that must hide their fabric stash from their mates, but I never have to worry.  Of course, he doesn’t have to hide his fishing-related purchases from me.  That would be because 50% is for ME to use!


He has an adventurous spirit!  Even at our mid-to-late-fifty ages, he still is willing to try new things.  (Exhibit 1, the kayak purchase.)  We have braved alligators to fish in the swamps in our kayaks.

We share lots of the same interests, and that makes finding activities we both enjoy easy.  Fishing and bowling rank at the top of that list.  Yet, we each have other interests… he hunts, I quilt and knit.


I’m sure you get the idea that he is a special person, and I am so glad he has been in my life for the last 21 years. 

I love you, David!  What adventures lie ahead of us?  No one knows, but I know I will enjoy the rest of  my years spent with you.


Thursday, February 9, 2012



That is the name of this quilt, a signature block challenge.  Use 17- 2” signature blocks and make something from them.  Blocks were made by members of the Sew Crafty Quilters from Many, LA.   I used the blocks for the centers of larger blocks, to make a quilt that is about 32” square.  (You can click on photos and get a better view of the details.)


Zoe, the quilt model, assisted me in taking photos.  The wind was blowing non-stop, so please overlook the weird angle on the quilt!  She was a big help.  (NOT!!)


The colors are very washed out in the photos.  The colored fabric is a very bright hand-painted fabric that I did. 


Machine quilting with brightly variegated thread shows well in the black areas.

103_0369 103_0370 

Seventeen blocks… odd number of blocks to work into a quilt!  I used 16 on the front and made my block into the label for the quilt.  The yellow/orange/ red fabric on the back is something I dyed in a class several years ago.


This quilt is currently hanging in the quilt show at Rebel State Park, Marthaville, LA.  The show will hang for the month of February.  They are open Tuesday through Saturday, 9-5.  Ya’ll come!

I will be giving 2 quilting talks/lessons on Saturday, February 25th starting at 10:00AM.  Please come if you can!


Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Demolition Expert; Cookie Recipe

I now have a new title… Demolition Expert.  If you need something broken or destroyed, just call me!

Not only did I destroy my glasses yesterday morning, but last night at quilt club I also did THIS to my favorite rotary cutter…103_0411

Yes, I have used this cutter probably 6 years or so, but it was my FAVORITE, and they no longer make this style.  A replacement of a similar style is ordered, but I am mourning the passing of my favorite cutter.  Don’t let me get near any of your favorite things… I’m sure I could destroy them for you.

To brighten my mood I think I will go eat another cookie.  These are even better than sand tarts because they are so crunchy.  DH says they are addictive, and he is right… you CAN’T eat just one.


“Just The Best” Cookie 

(Thanks to Dorothy Alford for sharing her recipe!)

1 cup butter

1 cup sugar

1 cup brown sugar

1 egg

1 cup salad oil

1 teaspoon vanilla

1 cup chopped pecans

1 cup oatmeal

1 cup crushed Corn Flakes

1/2 cup coconut

1 teaspoon soda

1/2 teaspoon salt

3 1/2 cups regular flour

Cream butter until soft; add sugars and mix until fluffy; add egg and mix well; add oil and vanilla.

Mix in pecans, oatmeal, Corn Flakes and coconut.  Stir soda and salt into flour; add to cookie mix, stirring well.

Roll into balls the size of walnuts; place on cookie sheet and flatten with a fork.  Bake at 350 degrees for about 15 minutes. 

Place on a brown paper bag or paper towel to cool and absorb excess oil. 



Tuesday, February 7, 2012


“Hodgepodge… a mixture of dissimilar ingredients; jumble” (The American Heritage Dictionary)

This post is truly a HODGEPODGE of ingredients.  This shows how my day began…  RATS!


Yes, I was cleaning my glasses this morning and one of the arms just broke off!  UGGHHH!  I have been procrastinating on getting an appointment to get my eyes examined.  This prescription is 4 years old.  Thankfully I have a pair of old glasses (from SIX years ago).  They are not as stylish as the rim-less (like I care at this point?) and they definitely do not give me good up-close vision.  I have an appointment Friday for a checkup and getting new glasses.  I was planning on getting new lenses put into these frames.  Change of plans, for sure!

In checking my blog this morning I realized that you have been forced to read posts with no pictures for a very long time.  So here are some pics to brighten things up.


I have taken the “12 pairs in 12” challenge.  That means I plan on knitting 12 pairs of socks in 12 months.  I am well on my way.  The above pair was requested by a certain hunter in my household, to help keep his tootsies warm while hunting.  They are made of sport weight yarn.  That was neat to work with because the larger yarn size really works up quickly.  These were my January socks project.  Unfortunately, hunting season is done (except for squirrel.  No, I don’t eat squirrel… he gives them to friends that like tree-dwelling rodents!) so he is ready for next year.


February socks… just for me!  I made this pair from Felici fingerling weight.  I also made them longer than I have been doing.  I really like the extra height.  And of course I love the bright colors and softness.  CHECK!  February socks are marked off the calendar.  I already have the March socks well under way.


YUMMY!  This is what my “hot ham and cheese salad sandwiches” looked like on Sunday evening.  This is a blast from the past.  My mom used to make these for us when I was a kid.  I had completely forgotten about them until a couple of months ago.  It has been over 40 years since I have had one of these.  DH double-smoked a ham last week so it was time to make these.

I used 4 cups small cubes of ham, 2-3 cups of shredded cheese (I used a Colby-jack mix and some sharp cheddar), 4 grated hard-boiled eggs, 3/4 cup sweet pickle relish (Can you tell I LOVE pickle relish?), 2 tablespoons finely minced onion, 1/2 teaspoon celery seed, and enough mayo to hold it all together.  Place mixture on split rolls or inside hot dog buns.  Wrap individually in foil.  Warm in a 300 degree oven for about 30 minutes.  YUMMO!  This makes a bunch, so if you are only feeding a few you would want to half this recipe.

I don’t think DH was as impressed with them as I was.  It was a trip down memory lane for me.

So… there is the HODGEPODGE for today.  The cookie recipe (and some pictures of finished quilts) will be arriving in your blog-reading box soon!

Have a blessed day!


Sunday, February 5, 2012






It is imperative that we be flexible and willing to adjust to our circumstances!

Happy Super Bowl, sports fans! And happy eating and commercial watching!

We are having:  hot ham and cheese salad sandwiches, Rotel dip and chips, jalapeno cheese bread, fresh Zwolle hot tamales, veggie and relish tray, and “Just the Best Ever” cookies.  (Recipe will follow on another day, because they really are great!)

So, what are YOU having to eat?


Thursday, February 2, 2012

Trapped Inside My Head…

Trapped inside my head are the 5 blog posts I had planned on doing, but they never got transferred to the computer screen.  Trapped inside my camera are the pictures that accompany said blog posts. 

They are very interesting things!  The subjects include two pairs of hand-knitted socks (and another pair in the making), 4 quilt finishes, and 2 upcoming quilt shows.  Now don’t you wish I would just “get ‘er done” and get these posts written out?  ME TOO!

Today I am wrestling with a bear… getting a 110” x 110” quilt put into the machine.  This is the absolute MAX size I can fit in my 12 ft. frame.  Oh, did I mention?  The backing fabric is 108” wide, so I am having to add to one side of the lining to make it long enough.  Did I also mention?  The batting is 96” wide, so I am also having to add inches onto that.  I’m not complaining, just saying. 

Now you know why the blog posts in my head and the pictures in my camera will not meet up with you today.  But they will as SOON (I HOPE) as I can tame that bear in the quilting room.



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