Postings and ponderings of a quilting and knitting addict!

Thursday, January 28, 2010

BAD Gussie Fay!

Poor Gussie Fay… We (the Gammill tech and I) really believed that her loopy days were over.  I have not taken the time to really try her out much but today (on the 2nd quilt I have done since getting her back from Vicksburg) the loops reappeared with a vengeance!

AAACCCKKK!  More picking out loops and working in loose thread.  I tried every trick in the book… thinner thread, larger needle, loosen tension, tighten tension, the extra bobbin case, silicone on the thread, spray silicone on the quilt, loosen quilt sandwich tension, tighter wound bobbins, looser wound bobbins, quilting fast, quilting slower, ….  she is one stubborn gal.  Nothing seems to help.  I can get fewer loops on one pass, and then the next row may have twice as many.  What a mystery!

I think I will re-christen her with a new name…

Loopy Luanne

I am at my rope’s end and will probably be taking her to West Plains, MO to the factory in the near future.  I MUST get this worked out before adding computerization to her.

In the meantime, I will keep my tiny crochet hook handy, and practice some more fruit of the Spirit (like patience and long-suffering).



  1. Bad Bad Gussie Faye...shame on you old girl. My mama had threatening words for the likes of you "you better straighten up and fly right" she wouldl say....you better know what that means! You may be out the door old girl!

  2. Now listen Gussie Faye. You've been such a wonderful machine for so long! I bless you with health and favor and no loops. I speak blessing to every mechanical thing concerning you and speak creativeness in areas where you need it. Be a good girl now, in Jesus name!
    If that doesn't work, bless her with a brick! Ha,ha


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