Postings and ponderings of a quilting and knitting addict!

Thursday, January 29, 2009

The Scarlet Letter

At about 8am tomorrow the 2 of us will hop into the truck (with the cab-over camper attached and the jeep in tow) and head East. Our mission: show the people in McComb, MS how poorly we can bowl. Actually, we would be THRILLED if we showed them how WELL we can bowl, but that seldom happens when bowling on unfamiliar lanes. Actually, it seldom happens when bowling on FAMILIAR lanes. HAHA!

Bowling is an enigma... about the time you think you have things figured out, you discover that your good game has gone south, and you pray you come close to your average. It is also very humbling... first you bowl 50 pins over your average, and the next game may be 40 pins below. (I guess that is why they call it an AVERAGE?)

I am facing a major "issue" as we travel. I have already confessed to procrastinating on the mending and on getting my next wholecloth show quilt designed. But here comes the "biggie"... as we travel I will be updating my checking account on my laptop and getting things in order for DH to run tax reports. So what's the big deal about doing 5 months book-keeping at once? Now you know, brand me with a scarlet P... I am a procrastinator. Is there a 10-step plan for that?

Why can't I be like him? He LIVES to enter his checks (without fail, each and every day) into his computer. He thrills in running reports on his accounts, percentages of spending in every area, reminders of bill to be paid for the next year... etc. Why can't I do that? Procrastination.

I would promise myself that once caught up, I will never again get behind on my bookwork, but I know myself too well. I think I promised myself that about 6 months ago when I once again worked to catch things up.

So once that task has been accomplished, I will pull out my Dover copyright free design books and search for the PERFECT designs for my next quilt. Did I mention that I have been working on this since September? I work best under pressure. (And I can clean house like the "White Tornado" when company is coming!) Quilt show deadlines are approaching, and who says I can't design, mark my fabric, stitch trapunto, cut-away the extra batting, and then quilt, block and bind a heart-stopping show quilt in 6 weeks?

But facts are facts, I am a procrastinator. But I really am working to change my ways, I really am. And as soon as we get back from our trip I am going to .....
OH! Look at THAT fabric! Where is the pattern I got to go with it? Oh... there it is. I could start on this as soon as we get back from the trip and have it quilted by the next week,... And here are the crystals, and fabric foiling kit, and angelina fibers, and paint sticks... how I want to play with those! Next week would be good! ... Now you see why I am wearing this scarlet P.

Hello all, (as I stand up in front of the group with my head humbly held low).
My name is Kathy, and I am a procrastinator. And it may cause me some difficulties, but I SURE AM HAVING FUN!!!

Life can be like a dance. Lots of fun to be there, but musicians must be compensated. Tomorrow I'll pay the piper, and then go back to having fun.

Wishing you all lots of joy, peace and abundance in your life. (John 10:10b - "I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly.")


Tuesday, January 27, 2009


So what are we all talking (I mean blogging) about? GEE... when I started this a few days ago I had no idea of 1). How many new friends I would meet, 2) How much time I could spend at the computer and ignore other things that I need to be doing.

But like a kid with a new toy, it is hard to walk away from here and do what needs to be done right now. And today I discovered a whole NEW world... GADGETS for your blog! I am an admitted "gadget freak". I LOVE gadgets, especially quilt-related ones. I have a whole collection, stashed somewhere in this house, that I can never find when I come across the perfect time to use it (like the fine tips for Elmer's glue that Sharon Schamber sells... it is here somewhere, and I needed it this week to glue down the binding on a quilt and jacket... but after 30 minutes of looking we instituted Plan B - barely open the glue and hope for the best.)

Now I have found all these add-ons for my blog. That means the look will be changing from day to day as I discover more cool things. My question is... do you ever actually FINISH getting a blog set up? Or is there always some new, cool something you need to add? I am suspecting the later is the case!

So now that we are on the subject of gadgets, let's talk QUILTING gadgets. I KNOW you have favorites and so do I (I also have some that just did not work as I expected it too, like the rotary cutter designed to cut 2 strips at one time). So what is your very-most-awesome-favorite-can't-do-without gadget?

Mine is probably the Salem "Square-Up" rulers. They come in 2 different sizes and are wonderful for squaring the corners of quilts and large blocks. (Did I mention that I am rather anal about squaring things? I just can't help it... it bugs me when I notice that a corner of a block or border or quilt is not square!) When I get a chance I will snap a picture and post it for those who are not familiar with this ruler.

Other things I enjoy using: lately, the CurveMaster presser foot. I am in the process of making a "Glorified 9-Patch" quilt which is all curved piecing. This foot really does make it easier. And also to go with that project, I purchase my first good, brass stiletto. I've tried the wooden skewer thing, but it just does not work as well as a good metal one with a very sharp point. My advise to all... just go ahead and spend $15 and get a good one. It will last you the rest of your life! (But do be careful how you wear it... I place mine on a slender ribbon and hang it around my neck. It is always within a quick reach that way. However, it can also be very uncomfortable should you lean against the table or reach down to pick up something... OUCH!)

Enough from me... I MUST go get busy with the next quilt, then make a trip to town to deliver quilts and visit Mom this afternoon.

Please post YOUR favorite gadgets here... I'm always looking for other ways to spend my hard-earned money.

Have a wonderful, quilty day. And SHARE something with someone today... even if it is just advice on a new quilt "toy" we all need!


Sunday, January 25, 2009

Mending Blues

I don't know HOW he does it! Well, actually, I do... life on the farm can be rather rough on clothing, especially when you are on the go doing outside things, like welding, "playing" on the tractor, splitting wood. There is no end to the chores that must be done, and unfortunately his work clothes suffer the worst of it.

I don't know why I put off the mending so long, but it is a big area of procrastination. After the 2nd reminder that I had promised to mend the pants, shirt and overalls sitting in the pile by my sewing machine, I figured I best get to it this afternoon.

Why have I put this off for so long? It took a total of about 15 minutes, and that was because my sewing machine was acting up. So iron-on patches came to my rescue.

How to reward myself for completing this long-put-off task? Well by quilting, of course! Actually I finished applying the binding to the quilted jacket I completed last week. The pattern is the "Wild Onion Jacket" by Susan Italo. It is a one-piece pattern that forms the jacket, so it was ideal for quilting on the longarm, then sewing side seams together. An almost INSTANT jacket! This pattern takes the place of using a sweatshirt for a jacket base.

Here are pictures. I hope the quilting shows up well enough for you to tell what was done.

Back view... a large feathered heart.

Front view with feather sprays on the sleeves and front panels. Click on the picture to see a closer view of the quilting.

Now back to quilting for others tomorrow. I have 3 quilts to get done this week, plus I am continuing to work on designs for my next wholecloth show quilt.

Have a super week, and why not set a goal to accomplish one of those tasks YOU have been procrastinating on... I found the dread was a lot worse than just DOING IT!


Saturday, January 24, 2009

What a WONDERFUL day! Yes, it IS gray, and rainy, and cool. But inside it is WONDERFUL! Although it is Saturday, today I will work because I played hookie one day this week. Shortly, I will go flip the switch, and "Gussie Fay" (my Gammill Classic Plus quilting machine) will wake up. It is like saying "Good morning!" to a close friend when I walk in the room with her. Crank up the praise music and we are ready to begin another daily adventure. Since DH is off "playing" today (Oops! I mean WORKING on a project with BIL), there will be very few pauses for lunch, etc... no schedule to meet today but my own. That means we (Gussie and I) will get LOTS of quilting done!

In a few minutes a quilt with brightly colored pinwheels will lie mounted on the machine. Decisions have been made (brown thread, Primrose Swirl quilting pattern, cotton batting) and so the machine will hum through the work as I sing loudly along with my music. I try to hold it down when DH is here, but today I can "turn the bear loose", so to speak, (that's what a former music director called "singing loudly") and sing to my heart's content.

No skies of gray or cool, windy air can spoil this! Gussie is waiting... now off to this fun thing (most of the time) that some people call "work". How blessed I am that I can work this way! Thank You, Lord, that I can smile each time I think of working with the abilities You have given.

I hope YOU have a WONDERFUL day too! Ps 147:1 Praise the Lord! For it is good to sing praises to our God; For it is pleasant, and praise is beautiful. (NKJ)

Gussie is calling... gotta go!

Thursday, January 22, 2009

It's Not My Fault...

... Blame my friend Marty. No, I was NOT interested in starting a blog. But then I started reading my niece, Salinda's blog. I was tempted, but Marty pushed me over the edge.

You see, tonight I discovered that she has been blogging for several weeks now. Her beautiful quilting work is displayed and discussed. WHAT FUN! I can keep up with my friend in my oh-so-little-spare time (OSLST) by just clicking a link!

But then, wheels started turning, impulse stuck, and here I am, writing my first blog, which 30 minutes ago I did not think I would ever be interested in doing.

Marty, are you out there? It's all YOUR fault!

What do I hope to accomplish? I hope that I can keep in touch with quilting friends (and others) through this simple means. It might also be a means of getting feedback on some of my quilting projects. And I think it will really be lots of fun. Now the down-side... is my life interesting enough for others to want to check my blog out? We'll soon see. Then there is the "making friends with my digital camera" thing. Of COURSE I know how to use it... I just procrastinate on loading the pics from my camera onto the computer and DEALING with them. Perhaps this will give me more incentive to be timely with this task, in the OSLST that I have.

Enough for tonight! Tomorrow I will probably say, "Now WHY did I do that?" No regrets, and perhaps not a lot of posting. Marty has been so prolific, she is a hard act to follow! But I will try to post a couple of times a week, and eventually in my OSLST, get some pictures and bio info posted.

Good night, and happy blogging! Marty, are you out there? IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT!
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