Please pardon my very philosophical ramblings today, but here I go...
Mamaw had this saying, done in cross-stitch, hanging over one of her doorways... it was on age-stained cloth and used grass-green thread...
The hurrier I go...
the behinder I get!
Please excuse my incorrect English, but ain't it the truth! I'm sure she saw this many times each day as she went from her kitchen into the hallway. Now my Mom has the piece hanging over one of HER doorways, and perhaps some day it will be passed down to me.
I think I need to make ME one of these!! Of course it would be quilted instead of cross-stitched. Perhaps it should be a wholecloth, quilted in vibrant, variegated threads. It would need feathers, of course... I can't seem to make a wholecloth without feathers. And of course it would need a sparkle of metallics added, also. And then it would need tiny background fills so the feathers and words would POP.
HMM... why am I always rushing around? Could it be I do this to myself? YEP! I do it, and then wonder why I am so busy. How did I go so quickly from being RETIRED (20 years teaching elementary school) to full-time work (with my quilting business) and then having commitments 3-4 nights each week (Yes, it is mostly fun stuff and things I want to do, but it still stresses me to be on the go so much.). I've found as I go on up in years that I really am a home-body... I love to sit in my chair in the evenings and not go anywhere. Of course, while sitting I am knitting, crochetting, hemming a quilt, planning a quilt... since learning to quilt I can't just SIT anymore. Multi-tasking is my mantra.
Life is an ever-evolving adventure, and today I have decided it is time to slow down a bit. My family has been reminded in the last several weeks that life IS short.
James 4:14 (NKJV) Whereas you do not know not what will happen tomorrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapor that appears for a little time, and then vanishes away.
How do I want to be remembered? Certainly not as, "She was SO BUSY!". How about, "She loved God and others greatly!" and "She served the Lord with gladness," and "She always had time to help," and "Her smile brightened my day."
Or perhaps, "Kat always was there for me... she supported, loved, nurtured, and helped her husband. She always had a smile for him, and not cross words to speak. She was patient and kind, gentle... Her life was a picture of 1 Corinthian 13."
And maybe, "Mom always let us know she loved us. She prayed for us, she helped and guided us when she could, she supported us through all of life's situations, she laughed with us, she cried with us. She cared."
And how about, "Granny Kat always had time to play/cook/teach/share/read / go camping or WHATEVER would strengthen the loving bond with her grandchildren."
Time is short, life goes by quickly, and I want my life to amount to more than trivial things. I'm looking for eternal things... making a difference in someone's life... not to count up accolades for myself, but for the One who gave me everything so I could give everything back to others.
I must make my day count! Even as I am cleaning my studio, filling out tax forms, and picking up after having a house full of company, I can pray. I can sing worship songs to the One who gave me a song in my heart.
Enough ramblings... I promise that soon my blog will get back to quilting posts... but today I must get back to work, and loving, and taking the time to enjoy the spring violets my DH picked for me this morning. Simple gestures of love mean so much... he knows and practices that often... I must keep reminding myself of that.
Have a wonderful day, and make it count in some small way!