Postings and ponderings of a quilting and knitting addict!

Monday, September 28, 2009


Remember this quilt?  It is really BUGGING me that it is not finished, and I can not work on any new projects with a clear conscience.  What to do?   FINISH THE SILLY THING!


(Click on the photo to enlarge)

I have made a promise to myself that I will NOT whine any more over this project, but just “Git ‘Er Done!”  I finished attaching 2 more rows yesterday, and that is real progress.  There are 11 long rows, that makes 10 seams to get it all together.  I now have 6 of them done, so only 4 more to go!!

I think this will be my handwork project when we go on vacation next month.  It would be SOOOO nice to come home with those intersections all hand-sewn, and only a few hours at the machine to finish this baby up.  That’s my goal, and I am determined.

BLOG GIVEAWAY COMING!  After we return from our trip I will have a blog giveaway.  WHY?  Because it is fall (YEAH!!!!), and because I am almost to my 100th blog post, and because I have had over 5000 visitors to my blog, and because I just WANT to!

The prizes will involve layer cakes and jelly rolls, so stay tuned.  Check back often to see when the entry starts up.  I’ll start the entry soon and then draw for the winner when I return from our trip.  Details to follow.

Have a wonderful, quilty day, and be blessed.


1 comment:

  1. Kathy your quilt is gorgeous...I love the solid background with all the nice crisp colors. Well you are almost on your 100th post.


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